Frequently asked questions


What is the difference between Classic, Hybrid & Volume set

CLASSIC: is a 1:1 application, which means 1 lash extensions is attached onto 1 natural lash. It is ideal for first timers who have never had extensions done before. This allows them to learn how to take care of them, or just see if extensions are for them. This set is the most natural out of all sets.  

HYBRID: is a combination of classic & volume lash extensions. Typically, clients upgrade to a hybrid when clients have learnt how to take care of their extensions from the classic set. It is ideal for those who wants a more natural glam and are committing to lash extensions.  

VOLUME: Ultra-light and fluffiest of all sets, it consists of 2-6 extensions handcrafted into fans on the spot. Handcrafted fans can be narrow or wide. It is ideal for those who have really sparse natural lashes. Coverage can be light – dense, it depends on personal preference.



With proper application, and usage of extensions, they should not damage your natural lashes. Each natural hair should be isolated properly, the condition of the natural hair will determine which length and type of diameter to be used. Improper application techniques result the set to be clumpy, painful, and irritated. Improper usage of the extensions can stunt the growth of the hair causing breakage of the strand and alter the condition of your natural lashes

how long do lash extensions last?

The number of eyelashes we average is between 75-150, each hair has its own growth cycle. Our natural lashes averagely cycle out between 120-150 days.

Each hair on our body has a growth cycle of 3 phases:

Anagen (the growth phase): The first stage of the cycle, where lashes actively grow and it lasts between 30-45 days

Categen (the transition phase): The lashes stop growing and the follicles at the base shrinks

Telogen (resting phase): The hair can last 30-45 days and will eventually falls out. The new hair growth cycle starts all over again

The transition of hair cycle and re-growth is seamless. Hairs all over our body sheds daily, it is normal to shed 1-5 eyelashes per day.

It is important to maintain your lash fills at 3-4 weeks intervals to allow the artist to keep track which lash cycle you’re in. Also at your fill appointment, overly grown out extensions will be carefully removed and new extensions will be placed.

Proper home after care is crucial to increase longevity of your extensions, which will result in more successful outcome.

Do I need to take a break from lash extensions?

Lash extensions can be worn extensively for a long period of time without a break, there is a misconception where you need to take a break in-between. If extensions are done correctly, it doesn’t have to be done periodically.

But for any personal reasons or choices, you are more than welcome to take one.


what if I am allergic to it / why did i develop allergies to it?

It is not common but it can arise, typically to those who have allergies is allergic to the ingredient of the adhesive (cyanoacrylate). Thus, is why it’s important to notify any type of allergies you may have to your lash artist.

Allergies can develop at any given time, while you are wearing extensions. Our body forms antibodies against any foreign substances to protect our body, thus causes inflammation responses (redness, swelling, itchy, flaky skin on the lash line). If you experience an allergic response, you must contact your lash artist to have it removed immediately and to seek a MD and/or optometrist for professional medical advice and help if this occurs.

 You will be rejected from all future lash extension services.

I’ve developed sensitivity to the glue

The lash adhesive is an irritant, some may have sensitivity to it right away or over time. Symptoms are similar to allergic responses, it is not as severe. But it is your discretion whether to continue with lash extensions or not. A lash artist can refuse your service depending on the severity of your reaction. It is important to also seek a MD and/or optometrist for professional medical advice and help if this occurs.


is it painful to get and have eyelash extensions?

The whole process should be relaxing and painless if the technique is done correctly. Improper technique causes pain and irritation on your lash line, even a slight blink of an eye can cause pain. That happens is because lashes are not isolated properly and the extension is applied too close or onto the skin or the lash extensions are too heavy or too long for your natural lashes causing it to twist when the natural lashes grows out.  


How do i take care of my lash extensions?

A lash cleanser is recommended to cleanse daily, especially for those who wears eye makeup and perform high activities. It is so important to cleanse your lashes daily because skin naturally produces sebum (oil) glands, failure to do so, will result in buildup of dirt, oil, makeup residue and bacteria which makes you more vulnerably prone to eye infections.

You must stray away from any oil base products, oils alter the bond of the adhesive which results the extension to weaken. Excessive eye makeup is not recommended as well (eyeliner, gel liner, and mascara), makeup residue can weaken the bond if the residue is not completely taken off. 


do i have to avoid anything? 

  • For the first 24 hours, avoid heat conditions (steam, sauna, extreme heat)

  • Avoid extreme heat exposure such as ovens, bbq and lighters around your lashes

  • Do not pick, pull, pluck, tug and rub your lashes/eyes

  • Do not use oil-base make up and removers

  • Do not use eyelash curlers to curl your extensions

  • Do not use mascara (non-waterproof or waterproof)

  • Do not use any eyeliner or gel liner

  • Avoid sleeping on your lashes


can i wear lash extensions while wearing glasses or contacts?

It is safe to wear glasses or contacts while wearing lash extensions. If you do wear glasses, you will have to give up a longer length extension to avoid the extensions from hitting your glass frames.


I have permanent make up procedures done, can i wear lash extensions?  

If you just got your upper eyelids tattooed and want to get lash extensions done, it is safe. However, you must wait 4 weeks after your ‘touch-up’ appointment is done.

If you want to get your upper eyelids tattoo or thinking about it, you must consult with your artist first and likely will have to remove your lash extensions first before beginning your procedure with a permanent makeup artist.


I don't want my extensions any more, can i take them off? 

In any event, you do not want to wear lash extensions any more, you can have them professionally removed. Please do not rip or pluck off your extensions yourself!

You can also let it fall out naturally on its own if you do not wish to satisfy a removal fee.


Do you do fills from another artist? 

To ensure consistency and quality, LASHBYE do not accommodate fills from other artists. A removal will be required and a brand new set will be done. Because trainings and products vary differently, the result of the look will not look flawless. Especially with fills done by several different artists. LASHBYE uses the highest quality of products for my customers, and wants to ensure my craft is adherence with my standards.